
The mostly true ramblings (except for the made up stuff) of a mumma on life, food and being married to a vegetarian coeliac. I love my boys (Kid 1 and Kid 2), food, old stuff, my husband (The Yak), my family and friends. Not in any particular order.

14 thoughts on “About

  1. Windy Mama

    Hello Missus Cheergerm, I’ve tagged you for the “Sunshine” blog award. Feel free to play, or not, but I nominated you because I enjoy your writing and your recipes. If you choose to participate you thank the nominator – moi – and then tell 7 things about yourself and lastly, and most awkwardly, nominate three others who bring a ray of sunshine into your bloggy world. Cheers! (hee, hee) Susanne (aka Windy Mama)

    • Heya Windy (aka Susanne)! Thanks so much for the thought and the nomination and your kind words. Right back at you, I really enjoy your writing and blog as well. I am not sure when I will get to accepting your kind award but I am sure cheered by your thought. Thanks and have a super cheery day! ☺️😉

  2. Great to have a little scroll through some of beautiful blog cheergerm! Especially love your ‘Old School Baking’ with a number of fab recipes from one of my favourite cookbooks – Ladies, A Plate! Looking forward to all your posts yet to come and trying to catch up on what I’ve missed for so long… Cheers, Margot

    • Hello Margot! Thanks for having a squiz and for your kind words. That NZ cookbook is a little ripper hey? I just went and visited your blog which I had not yet perchanced upon either and am now looking forward to having a good read. Those waffles look delish! Nice to (virtually?) meet you. 😊

      • We lived in Wellington for 2 wonderful years and a friend gave me the book as a farewell gift. Absolutely love it! Almost bought some gem irons today in a kitchenware shop, to be able to make Ginger Gems! SO much I miss about NZ.
        Lovely to meet you too!

  3. Hello, I followed Celi from the Farmy’s trail here. I’m the family Yak, and I love to cook – particularly baking. I’ve been enjoying what I’ve read so far, so of course the next step is to Follow… Tick. It’s also fun to find someone cooking from the same grocery list; I’m in Queensland, and I get a bit fed up of American measures/ingredients or lack of them. Kate x

    • Why hello! Lovely to meet you Kate, thanks for coming and having a squiz. I am about to head over to your blog as well. I hope you find some useful recipes and I can’t wait to check out yours. It is good sometimes to be on the same page with ingredients, measurements etc hey? 😊

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