Mango and coconut shortbread

All year, I have felt like I was running with scissors. (Something that our parents told us as children, we were never to do.) A pandemic will do that do a person I guess.

Some traditions must be upheld and shortbread is still on my
Christmas baking list. This particular version is a lovely taste of the tropics and just perfect for summer.

Whatever this festive season looks like for you and yours, I wish you peace.


250g unsalted butter, room temperature
A dash of vanilla.(Just a wee bit)
1/2 cup caster sugar
2 3/4 cups of gluten free plain flour or regular plain flour
1/4 cup rice flour
Big pinch salt
1/4 cup dessicated coconut
70g finely diced dried mango

Preheat oven to 180C.
Line 2 baking trays with baking paper.
Cream the butter. Add the sugar gradually (I use a stand mixer), beating until the mixture is light and fluffy.
Sift the flour, rice flour and salt together then stir in the coconut and dried mango.
Work the flour mixture into the butter and sugar mixture gradually until just combined.
Knead the mixture to bring together to a dough, with a very light hand. (I do this in the bowl.)
Divide the dough in half and roll each half out to a 3-4 cm diameter log. Wrap in clingwrap and refrigerate for half an hour to an hour.
Slice the logs into 1-2 cm thickness, depending on your fancy.
Place them 10mm apart on a baking tray and prick each piece all over with a fork.
Bake for 20-25 minutes until crisp and straw-coloured. (Non-gluten free shortbread will be quicker to bake, probably only 20 minutes.)
Cool down on wire racks.
Makes about 20-25 pieces.

The actual shortbread is adapted from Margaret Fultons and the rest is Cheergerm.

Chocolate and orange shortbread

Gluten free pecan and vanilla shortbread

Ginger shortbread for Christmas

Illuminating cardamom, cinnamon and brown sugar shortbread

8 thoughts on “Mango and coconut shortbread

  1. If I could manage to not eat all the dried mango before adding it to the shortbread, this would be a truly memorable Christmas treat, perfecting already perfect shortbread. Mmmm.

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